By Edsel Cook
A primer to harvesting rainwater for your permaculture garden
The availability of water can make or break your homestead. An article in New Life On A Homestead covered the basics of collecting rainwater to nourish your permaculture garden. Permaculture seeks to create sustainable and self-sufficient agricultural systems. It takes advantage of features found in natural ecosystems or replicates them outright. To design your own […]
By Jessica Dolores
Yummier and juicier: Using natural fertilizers increases fruit yield and size
Do you want your farm or garden-grown fruits to become yummier and juicier? Use organic fertilizer, not chemical-based ones. A field experiment in a south farm in Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Manakkadavu, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu in India showed that using acid lime as fertilizer resulted in the highest harvest of fruits per tree. Panchakavya, an […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Natural, inexpensive AND more effective: Phosphate rock confirmed to be an effective fertilizer for acidic soils
In western Kenya, the main economic activity is farming. This has, however, become increasingly difficult an endeavor in recent years due to deplorable soil conditions and pricey traditional fertilizers. Triple superphosphate (TSP), one of the most popular and widely used fertilizers, has to be imported from Moroccan mines, making it far too expensive for west […]
By Zoey Sky
Recovering ecosystems: How no-till farming is catching on in small farming communities across the plains
According to an article From Civil Eats, no-till farming can help revive struggling ecosystems. Jimmy Emmons, a seasoned farmer from Oklahoma, talked to other farmers at the 22nd annual No-till on the Plains conference about the no-till farming method and how it can rebuild an ecosystem. In a separate talk, “controversial grazing guru” Allan Savory discussed the large quantity of […]
By Russel Davis
Repurposing food supply “waste” has many benefits: Farmers in Turkey are using the husks of hazelnuts as mulch, preserving water and reducing labor
Hazelnut husks showed efficacy as mulching materials in nurseries and gardening applications of ornamental plants, according to a study published in the Journal of International Scientific Publications. The study, carried out by a researcher at the Düzce University in Turkey, took advantage of the large amounts of hazelnut husks produced in the Duzce region in the northwestern part of Turkey during […]
By David Armstrong
The top 10 benefits of living in the country
In a recent podcast Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, took a look at what makes country living much more fulfilling and why it is a much more sustainable lifestyle that living in the city. Adams should know. He lives on a ranch in central Texas and raises goats, chickens, donkeys and other […]
By Isabelle Z.
Scientists think they just invented “multifunctional polyculture” food farms, but it’s been around forever as “food forests” and “permaculture”
University of Illinois researchers have announced that they have discovered a way to design a landscape that can provide people with a range of nutritious foods while earning a profit. Of course, this “news” is hardly surprising to anyone who is familiar with the concepts of food forests or permaculture. Department of Crop Sciences Agroecologist […]
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