News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
A homesteader’s guide to seed saving
As a home gardener, it’s important to know how to save seeds so you don’t have to rely on buying seeds when SHTF. This also ensures that you always have enough seeds for the next planting season or for trading with fellow gardeners. (h/t to Seed saving techniques may vary depending on the type of […]
By Zoey Sky
Remain self-sufficient during the coronavirus pandemic by growing vegetables in buckets
These days, more and more people are worrying about where to find food for their families, particularly those who have lost their jobs as continues to spread across the globe. If you want to ensure that your loved ones have access to food amid this pandemic, start a bucket garden and plant vegetables. Using this […]
By Zoey Sky
Home gardening tips for preppers: Get rid of squash beetles with this item from your pantry
Home gardening is a beneficial hobby, but if you want to protect your plants naturally, you need to learn some gardening hacks. For instance, if your garden is infested with squash beetles, you can use self-rising flour to get rid of the pesky bugs. (h/t to What are squash beetles? Squash beetles, also called squash […]
By Zoey Sky
Fast-growing vegetables to plant in your home garden during the coronavirus pandemic
As many homeowners in America are starting to realize, now is a good time to start a home garden since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is starting to disrupt food supply chains throughout the world. To make the most of your home garden, follow the tips below and plant fast-growing vegetables to ensure that you have access to fresh produce […]
By Zoey Sky
Urban prepping 101: How to grow medicinal herbs in an apartment
It’s convenient to grow herbs and vegetables if you have a spacious backyard or homestead. But those who want to grow herbs in their apartments can opt for container gardens. (h/t to Container gardening tips Here are some things to consider when choosing a container in which to grow your herbs: Use a large […]
By Zoey Sky
More Americans preparing for coronavirus-related food shortage by buying up seeds for “pandemic gardens”
Americans across the country have started taking matters into their own hands. Due to worries about food shortages because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are cultivating home gardens to remain self-sufficient. However, the demand for garden seeds seems to have overwhelmed seed companies, who are quick to reassure buyers that there is no shortage […]
By Zoey Sky
Nature provides: Plant alternatives for toilet paper
Toilet paper is a staple in your survival stockpile. But while this item is necessary, it can take up too much space, especially if you have a lot of TP on hand. (h/t to If you’re looking for natural alternatives to toilet paper, consider some of the plants detailed below. Foraging for toilet paper can help […]
By Zoey Sky
Start square foot gardening and remain self-sufficient even during the coronavirus pandemic
Because of fears of food shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are showing an interest in home gardening to grow their own food. On paper, this task may seem easy, but gardening is a labor-intensive endeavor. Nonetheless, it is a hobby that can offer many benefits. If you’re interested in growing vegetables in a […]
By Zoey Sky
A crash course in intensive gardening
Gardening is a work-intensive practice, but one that is worth all the hard work and time you invest in it. After all, who is going to say no to a hobby that gives you a workout and yields the literal fruits (and vegetables) of your labor? In uncertain times like the current public health crisis, […]
By Zoey Sky
Study suggests gardening helps promote mental health, positive body image
News reports nowadays are often bleak due to the coronavirus pandemic. These days, it’s normal to constantly feel scared and worried. But according to a study in the journal Ecopsychology, you can find comfort in an unlikely hobby: gardening. Gardening supports mental health Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in the U.K. found that spending time […]
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